(301) 739-8577
Our Traffic Calming Reduced Excessive Speeding by 76.4%!

Our Traffic Calming Reduced Excessive Speeding by 76.4%!

  1. Peak hour and daily volumes have stayed about the same 2. The average has gone down 3 MPH since traffic calming 3. The number of vehicles with excessive speeding over 35 MPH dropped significantly after the traffic calming (123 versus 55 or 76.4%...
New Crosswalks!

New Crosswalks!

New Crosswalks on Virginia, Howard, S Walnut and Park Circle! A special thanks to Rodney Tissue and Tim Young for being the hardest working men in city hall! We are running out of goals! Time to make some...
Crosswalks at Park Circle

Crosswalks at Park Circle

We asked for it and now the city has finally answered us with a safe crossing for pedestrians, two new cross walks at park circle! The crosswalks will feature a resting point half way between the crossing to look again for cars. Construction shown...
More Lighting Around the Park

More Lighting Around the Park

We asked for more lighting and the city made it happen, installing 3 new lights around park circle! Hopefully more lights to come!