For inquiries on renting pavilions or other park maintenance please call the Parks & Rec office at office at (301) 739-8577 ext.169 or reserve online by clicking here.
The cost to rent a pavilion is $65 per day. Additional fees may apply for special needs or requests. All pavilions have electricity available. Other amenities like restrooms can be viewed online using the various “Amenities Maps” for each park. Please vacate the park by sunset.
Facilities are available for rent from mid-April to mid-October.
The neighborhood meets the 1st Thursday of the Month @ 5:30pm at District Provision & Supply Company downtown Hagerstown.
For contacting the Neighborhoods First Volunteers please fill out the form below or see the contact information

Contact Information
Heather Holman
President of Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st Group
Robert Apgar-Taylor
Vice President of Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st Group
Ashley Roush
Community Liaison Coordinator
Phone: 301-790-3700 ex. 238