Historic City Park Neighborhoods First

Historic City Park founders Heather Holman & Laurel Kahn
The neighborhood group has accomplished many of their original goals such as:
- Installation of traffic calming on Summit
- Radar signs on Summit
- Improved Alley lighting
- Decorative street signs on Summit ave
- Decorative Columns on Virginia ave
- Tree plantings on Reynolds & Summit aves
- 3 Safe crossings for Virginia ave
- City Park Welcome Sign
- Lake dredge for Sail Boats & Fountain
- Decorative Up Lighting for the Lake
- Garden in front of Bandshell
- A new playground for the park
- A drive thru holiday display
Historic City Park lobbied for enhanced decorative lighting for the park for over 10 years including donating some of their own funding, providing the drawings, and reaching out to state legislators to make it happen. A Goal which was completed in 2019, with the city enhancing the electric to the park and expanding the power allowing another goal of the group’s to be complete – a holiday drive-thru light show which the group donates to every year to make more special.

A special thanks to Senator Paul Corderman and Engineer Rodney Tissue for making our idea a reality!
In addition to their improvement projects, the neighborhood also hosts events such as:
- Community Block Parties
- City Park Tree Lighting
- Community Cleanups
- Santa on a Fire Truck
- Operas in the Park
- Movies in the Park
- Model Boat Sailing in the Park
- Cultural Festivals & Events in the Park
- Ghost Tours
Live in the City Park Neighborhood?
Want to help make a difference in our neighborhood and make it safer and family orientated while getting to know your neighbors? Come to our next meeting!
Historic City Park Neighborhoods First in the News

Flower Planting on WDVM
https://www.localdvm.com/news/maryland/volunteers-plant-flowers-to-beautify-hagerstown-city-park/ View Video by clicking link above Volunteers planted hundreds of flowers at Hagerstown City Park on Saturday. A volunteer group, Historic City Park and Neighborhood’s...

WHAG on Sail the Park
HAGERSTOWN, Md.— More than 200 people gathered at Hagerstown’s City Park Sunday to try model boat sailing. "It was beautiful weather,†said Laurel Kahn, founder of Neighborhood First. “We had wonderful wind. It was blue skies. Fluffy, cloudy,...

Herald Mail on Sail the Park
After watching adults use remote controls to guide model sailboats around Hagerstown City Park’s north lake Sunday, James Engle said he and his younger brother, Griffin, got their turn. Then James, 8, and Griffin, 6, headed over to a pavilion with their parents,...

WHAG’s Coverage of A Visit to the East
Alice Kan placed a pick in each of the 3-year-old’s small hands and then covered the girl’s hands with her own as she showed the youngster how to play a gu zheng. After Daphne received the impromptu lesson, following Sunday’s Arts in the Park concert by the Alice...

Herald Mail Article on Don Giovanni
By JULIE E. GREENE The south end of Hagerstown’s City Park was full of the sounds of love and heartbreak Sunday afternoon as the Hub Opera Ensemble performed excerpts from an upcoming performance of “Don Giovanni.†The performance was the first in a new...

WHAG Story on Don Giovanni
By: Dana Chicklas Arts in the Park just kicked off its second year with a preview of the Don Giovanni, an opera of comedy and drama put on by the Hub Opera Ensemble. "One scene will be very tragic and the next will be very funny, and the next will be sort of sexy,...

WHAG Feature on our Neighborhood
By Dana Chicklas - It all started with a block party and a band playing on her front lawn. "Just a spark of why not bring this wonderful community together, and let's see what we can do to make it look pretty," says Laurel Khan, the founder of the Historic City Park...

City Park is the Hottest Thing in Hagerstown!
For the 7th Year in a row, Hagerstown City Park has made Hagerstown Magazine's Hot List for Favorite Park and Favorite Family Fun Spot! Beating out Hagerstown's other 14 Parks by a landslide! This would not be possible without the citizens of Hagerstown voting for our...

Herald Mail Article on our Traffic Calming Devices
Summit Avenue residents in Hagerstown have expressed concerns with speeding along the street for quite some time, prompting city officials to begin looking at ways to slow down drivers. They may soon be getting their wish. Speaking to the Hagerstown City Council...

Traffic Calming in the News
They're putting plans in motion to slow traffic and reduce accidents on Summit Avenue. On a typical day, about 1,300 vehicles drive down the street. A majority of them drive close to 40-mph despite the 25-mph speed limit. The city plans on building a mini-roundabout...
Group Accomplishments
Radar Signs on Summit
3rd Community Cleanup
Bandshell Flower Planting
Drive Thru-Holiday Display and Up Lighting
Historic Street Signs
The group has fundraised and installed 10 decorative street signs in the neighborhood and plans to add more in the coming years! Laurel Kahn and Heather Holman cut the ribbon on the first sign.
Column Project Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Gysbert & Councilman Munson. Also our fall planters in the park!
Our Traffic Calming Reduced Excessive Speeding by 76.4%!
1. Peak hour and daily volumes have stayed about the same 2. The average has gone down 3 MPH since traffic calming 3. The number of vehicles with excessive speeding over 35 MPH dropped significantly...
New Crosswalks!
New Crosswalks on Virginia, Howard, S Walnut and Park Circle! A special thanks to Rodney Tissue and Tim Young for being the hardest working men in city hall! We are running out of goals! Time to make some more!
Goal Reached! 75% Community Support for Traffic Calming devices!
Goal Reached! 75% Community Support for Traffic Calming devices! It took a year but we were able to collect the 75% signatures needed to take the Summit Ave speeding issues to Mayor & Council!
Crosswalks at Park Circle
We asked for it and now the city has finally answered us with a safe crossing for pedestrians, two new cross walks at park circle! The crosswalks will feature a resting point half way between the crossing to look again for cars. Construction shown below! [gallery...
More Lighting Around the Park
We asked for more lighting and the city made it happen, installing 3 new lights around park circle! Hopefully more lights to come!
Certificate of Appreciation from the Mayor!
Fire Truck with Santa & Caroling
2nd Neighborhood Cleanup
Reynolds & Summit Circle Paint!
The City finally listened to us about this dangerous intersection and gave us a traffic calming device at the intersection of Reynolds & Summit! Hopefully this will slow people down and reduce accidents. They also gave us a cross walk! The lines are painted for...
Trees on Reynolds
We were able to take advantage of the state grant for tree canopy and plant 12 trees on Reynolds Avenue! Special Thanks to Tim Young for providing us with copies of the tree applications!
Flowers fundraiser a success!
Friday is the last day! Today is the last day of our first spring fundraiser! So far we've raised $527 for our group with flower orders and donations! It's not too late if you want to help us reach our goal by ordering something today! Click here to go directly to...
Block Party Success!
The first Neighborhoods 1st Reynolds Avenue block party and yard sale got off to a slow, drizzly start Sunday, but as the sunshine began to show up mid-afternoon, so did the people. “We’re trying to keep our...