Historic City Park Neighborhoods First

Historic City Park founders Heather Holman & Laurel Kahn
The neighborhood group has accomplished many of their original goals such as:
- Installation of traffic calming on Summit
- Radar signs on Summit
- Improved Alley lighting
- Decorative street signs on Summit ave
- Decorative Columns on Virginia ave
- Tree plantings on Reynolds & Summit aves
- 3 Safe crossings for Virginia ave
- City Park Welcome Sign
- Lake dredge for Sail Boats & Fountain
- Decorative Up Lighting for the Lake
- Garden in front of Bandshell
- A new playground for the park
- A drive thru holiday display
Historic City Park lobbied for enhanced decorative lighting for the park for over 10 years including donating some of their own funding, providing the drawings, and reaching out to state legislators to make it happen. A Goal which was completed in 2019, with the city enhancing the electric to the park and expanding the power allowing another goal of the group’s to be complete – a holiday drive-thru light show which the group donates to every year to make more special.

A special thanks to Senator Paul Corderman and Engineer Rodney Tissue for making our idea a reality!
In addition to their improvement projects, the neighborhood also hosts events such as:
- Community Block Parties
- City Park Tree Lighting
- Community Cleanups
- Santa on a Fire Truck
- Operas in the Park
- Movies in the Park
- Model Boat Sailing in the Park
- Cultural Festivals & Events in the Park
- Ghost Tours
Live in the City Park Neighborhood?
Want to help make a difference in our neighborhood and make it safer and family orientated while getting to know your neighbors? Come to our next meeting!
Historic City Park Neighborhoods First in the News

Arts in the Park on the News
The Historic City Park Neighborhood's 1st newest project Arts in the Park makes the news! The Arts in the Park program was created by the Historic City Park Neighborhood's 1st Group to provide family friendly entertainment as well as arts & culture to guests of...

Herald Mail Articles on Traffic Calming
Residents on Summit Avenue in Hagerstown will have their say on whether or not the city installs medians and circles to slow traffic on the residential street. Under the city of Hagerstown’s residential traffic-calming policy, adopted in October 2010, at least 75...

Hagerstown Magazine Article
Movers and Shakers We are changing the face and the look of the south end of Hagerstown, says Laurel Kahn, immediate past president of the very active Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st group that meets at Emmanuel United Methodist Church. “I want to bring back the...

Thank you in the Mail Call
"A big thank you to the Historic City Park Neighborhood 1st Group for walking through this neighborhood singing holiday carols. The generous sharing of time and lovely voices added to our enjoyment of the holiday season. It was a really fine example of being...

Herald Mail’s Walk through our Neighborhood
Image by Chad Trovinger Start by heading over to the Jonathan Hager House Museum. German immigrant Jonathan Hager bought 200 acres of cheap land in Western Maryland and built a story-and-a-half stone house with a basement; he presented it to his new wife, Elizabeth,...

On the News
WHAG Article on our group! A group of neighbors from the Historic City Park Neighborhood, are taking a city program very seriously. The City of Hagerstown has launched "Neighborhood First" groups throughout the city to offer residents a chance to meet, voice concerns...
Herald Mail Article
The recently formed Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st Group's first fundraiser ended short of its goal, but group member Heather Holman says members will continue to work to spruce up the park and raise awareness of safety and other issues in their neighborhood....

Fundraiser on the News
Our fundraiser was recently shown on WHAG with the mayor talking about our group! HAGERSTOWN, MD - City Park is naturally beautiful, but a community group is looking to spruce the area up a little for residents to enjoy and keep them safer. On a nice day, people from...
Group Accomplishments
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