(301) 739-8577

Historic City Park Meeting




Emmanuel Methodist Church
Meeting called by Laurel Kahn
Timekeeper Deborah Agee
Note taker Heather Holman
Attendees Deborah & Dan Agee,  Louise Dawson, Doris Dillon,  Richard Ebersole, Frank Emma, Colleen & Ted Garringer, Brian Gietka, Gene Hahn, Allen & Heather Holman, Laurel Kahn, Greg MacDonald,  Richard Mallery,  Joyce Martin, Nancy Marshner, Joe Marshner & Laura Menard and Joan Selby

Agenda topics

10 minutes

Law enforcement update

lt. reynolds
Discussion The free smoke Detector & Carbon Monoxide detector program available to Hagerstown Residents.
Lt. Reynolds has confirmed the code violations from the neighborhood have been submitted.
Update on the City Grant money for trees has run out but the state has a rebate coupon for $25 off a tree.
Conclusions Residents needing a free smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector sign the sign-up sheet.
A listing of city codes will be posted on the website.  Tree coupon can be found @ http://www.trees.maryland.gov
Action items Person responsible Deadline
People who need smoke detectors need to be informed of the program, contact your neighbors to let them know to call their fire dept. for a free smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector. Citizens & Hagerstown Fire Dept. (301) 733-3337 None

10 Minutes

Old business

laurel kahn
Discussion Glow Bracelets were a success at Halloween; children in our neighborhood were visible to cars and safe.
Improvements to website  to include – City Codes posted, pictures from the block party safety concerns, contacts,
preparation for winter information and sign up for helping the elderly.
Action items Person responsible Deadline
Provide information for website Laurel Kahn ASAP
Update Website Heather Holman ASAP


New Business

Laurel Kahn
Discussion The Herald Mail may put our group in the Paper but can’t guarantee it. Vote on guest speakers motioned
and 2nded.  Lt. Reynolds mentioned that direct mailings maybe paid for by the city to ask Cindy. Volunteers needed for
passing out fliers to different areas of the neighborhood.  Due to time constraints it was voted and 2nded that
beautification ideas and safety issues ideas be tabled till next meeting. Tree trimming is provided by the city for city trees.
Conclusions Guest Speakers voted in.  Mailings would come out of the group’s allotment.   Joe Marshner volunteers
for area 3 block captain, Joan Selby volunteers for area 1.  Contact Eric Deike for trees on city property 301-739-8577 x176 or edeike@hagerstownmd.org;  Weed and privately owned trees issues contact Mr. Gary Lambert 301-739-8577 x101
Beautication ideas Mentioned Person Mentioned
Decorative Columns with street names on Virginia Avenue Laurel Kahn
Dealing with Liter and Weeds Joan Selby
Decorative Street and Stop Signs Heather Holman
Safety concerns Mentioned Person Mentioned
Excessive Speeding On Summit Avenue Multiple
Limited Visibility at the intersection of Reynolds Avenue and Summit Avenue Heather Holman
Safe Crossing of Virginia Avenue to the City Park Multiple
Prostitution in the City Park Heather Holman
Panhandling at the County Commuter Stop Gene Hahn
Dark Alleyways Multiple
Over grown Bushes Limiting Visibility Laurel Kahn
Late Night Loitering Multiple
No representation from the South End on City Council Laura Menard
City Observers Kristy Carroll
Resource persons Lt. Reynolds
Guest speakers Mike Weller will come in December from Fire Department.